The great red wines of the area perfectly match the Val di Cornia cuisine, whose king is the Boar.
Val di Cornia is also famous for its vegetables, violet artichoke and spinach, which are grown on flat land close to the sea. Another typical product, the famous “Campigliese”, a crunchy cake that goes well with the local passito.
In addition, Piombino and its coastline are famous for the finest and most delicious fish qualities. Among them stands out for its flavor, the renowned “palamita“, one of the most sought-after prey by fishermen on the coast. Precisely for this variety of slowfood fish has created a special garrison.
The morphology of the calcareous terrain and the position close to the coast make the olive oil produced in Val di Cornia one of the most prized and tasty in all of Tuscany. The quality as well as having incredible mineral characteristics, and easy to digest and goes very well with the fish.
There are many private initiatives, especially in the tourist period that are born with the aim of divulging the culinary delights of the Val di Cornia. Campiglia Marittima is no exception. Simonetta Bertini who for many years has worked as a Private Chef with many restaurateurs makes available to those who were interested in his knowledge, providing private lessons by reservation.
It is possible to participate in these two events that represent a real party. An important moment of the rural culture that can be shared, to know in detail a process that is synonymous with tradition.